IO-Link Device Evaluation Boards

Renesas CCE4503 Evaluation Kit V3
The CCE4503-EVAL-V3 evaluation board is designed to evaluate and demonstrate the CCE4503 IO-Link Device Transceiver.

Renesas CCE4502 Evaluation Kit V4
The CCE4502-EVAL-V4 evaluation board is designed to evaluate the CCE4502 IO-Link device PHY with integrated frame handler.

STM32 Discovery & MAX22513 EVKIT
The demo project based on 2 developments boards: STM32 Discovery and MAX22513 evaluation kit.

The MAXREFDES174# is a complete, high-accuracy, IO-Link® distance sensor reference design that provides accurate measurements for distances up to 4m.

The MAXREFDES173# is a complete, high-accuracy, IO-Link®, local temperature sensor reference design that provides excellent temperature accuracy from -40°C to +85°C.