Referenzdesign IO-Link digital temperature sensor

Reference Design IO-Link digital temperature sensor Maxim’s Mojave (MAXREFDES42#) Referenzdesign stellt eine auf der IO-Link®based resistance to digital temperature sensor. The IO-Link communication protocol enables quick sensor configuration and reduces cabling while featuring a robust, medium speed, communication protocol with power, enabling higher powered sensors than a 4-20mA loop.

The purpose of this project is by giving the user a strong basis to start develop production-ready IO-Link® application based on Maxim Integrated IO-Link device transceiver (MAX14821), a Renesas ultra-low-power, 16-bit microcontroller (RL78) and iqStack® IO-Link Device Stack.

For more information about MAXREFDES42# visit

IO-Link RTD Temp Sensor Quick Start Guide.

It supports complete IO-Link functionality, including BLOB and Firmware update.

User Manual and source code is available on request.
